We help with all your aggregate & mining consulting needs. Call today to get expert advice.

How We Can Help You
Production and Equipment Training
We can help your aggregate mining plant every step of production and can help train your staff to be the safest and efficient with your equipment.
All Your Mining Plant Needs
We help with everything including plant studies, product gradation improvements, particle shape improvement, plant performance evaluation, and plant optimization.
Equipment Recommendations
We can help recommend the top of the line equipment. Sometimes equipment will be sized wrong in the circuit and will not allow the plant to meet the production rate needed. By using flow diagram analysis we ensure your equipment is the size you need for your project.
Large Construction Projects
We can help with large construction projects where aggregate and material production has been a problem or costing more then it should. We help with excessive waste or plant layout and equipment recommendations for the aggregate plants.

We Save You Money
Deciding what machines to purchase can be difficult and can end up costing more that it should. We help you find the deal your looking for without sacrificing on quality.
We will first agree to identify the problem, work toward a solution, agree on a time table and cost. Accordingly the first pre-consulting meetings and phone calls are free.

Have Knowledge will Travel
If you require on-site assistance or evaluation we will go to your site for plant layout, equipment recommendations, differing site conditions, and major project claims. After a free preliminary consultation meeting or phone call, charges are negotiable depending on the duration, complexity and project location.
In some cases, we can start with an on-site visit and use the electronic transfer of an equipment list, hand sketch, photos, and some field gradations. With this information, we can produce a computer model flow diagram and make recommended improvements in production rates, equipment selection, product proportions, and plant efficiency. In other cases, it might require a 2 to 3-day site visit and the rest of the communication can be done by phone and email.
Projects can be organized on an estimated amount not to exceed a specific number of hours without the client's approval. Each month to month statement will contain a time card with hours per day and days per week.
We help with all your aggregate & mining consulting needs. Call today to get expert advice.

Why do I need mining consulting?
If you are buying a plant or currently own or manage one, mining consulting is a great option for you. Every plant can benefit from an expert providing an unbiased, third-party evaluation, and a consultant is especially helpful if you aren’t in need of a full-time employee to provide mining engineering services. We take on a variety of clients, from non-mining individuals or companies, mining or exploration companies, financial underwriters, and more. Hiring Aggregate & Mining Consulting saves you time, money, and energy that you can better invest in your plant. If you are ready to bring in our experts to provide mining consulting for your company, call now for a free estimate.
Does your mining consulting service provide plant inspections?
When you are in the process of buying a plant, it’s crucial that you know what you’re really getting. We are some of the world’s authorities on aggregate mining and mining consulting, and our primary goal is to save you money. It’s not uncommon for our clients to be interested in a 1,000 tph plant, but upon our inspection, it’s evident that the plant only produces 750 tph. By taking advantage of mining consulting, you can know ahead of time what you’re really buying. Call now for an estimate for our inspection rates.
How can mining consulting help my plant run more smoothly?
When you hire Aggregate & Mining Consulting to evaluate and offer guidance for your plant operations, you’ll get consulting services that help your plant run more smoothly, faster, and more profitably: everything you want for your plant. Our consultants provide staff training for employees at all levels in your company. We provide process improvement consultations where we evaluate your methods, locate weaknesses and rework your systems, and find your strengths and build on them. We take a look at your workflow processes and provide information about how to revamp them, so things operate at peak productivity. Because our consultants are constantly building their knowledge of this industry, we know the equipment innovations that you need to operate your plant at the most efficient rates. We can recommend new equipment purchases and upgrades for you when we provide our mining consulting to you.
How can your mining consulting services provide value to equipment distributers?
Aggregate Mining & Consulting provides consulting not only for plant owners but for companies providing equipment to these plants as well. We work with equipment sellers to analyze what your customers need and want. We take a look at pieces that would benefit your client base, then we evaluate the equipment to provide an expert opinion about its realistic production capacity, application requirements, and ROI. Call now for a free estimate of our equipment consultation services.
Can you offer mining consulting to improve safety in the plant?
Here at Aggregate & Mining Consulting, one of our top goals for your operations is safety for everyone involved. We walk through every stage and space of your facility to see where safety measures can be improved for the benefit of both you and your employees.
Can your mining consulting professionals help with particle production?
Many of our clients are plants that are producing aggregates day in and day out. And in this business, every detail matters. Our mining consulting experts can take a look at the shape and size of the particles you are producing. Well help you improve the particulates you make so that you produce a top-of-the-line product at efficient rates. Call now for a free estimate for particle production consulting fees.
Do you offer mining consulting for large construction projects?
If you are working on a large construction project, then maybe you have seen the problems that can take place with aggregate and material production. In some cases, these materials are costing you more than they should. We help you see where these excess costs are coming from and then help remedy the situation.
Do you offer on-site mining consulting?
Aggregate & Mining consulting is committed to the success of our clients. For this reason, we travel to you, wherever you are, to provide our expert consulting for you. We can discuss—in person—your plant’s layout, equipment recommendations, evaluate site conditions, and talk through major project claims. However, we also offer virtual consultation. Through an online conversation, we can provide all of our consultations and offer you spectacular services that will help your plants run more efficiently than ever before.
Why choose Aggregate & Mining Consulting?
Mining consulting groups are suffering the same issues as other mining operations; that is, the industry is losing qualified experts to retirement. When you choose Aggregate & Mining Consulting, you are choosing to work with our principal, John Googins. John is one of the most seasoned and authoritative voices in the mining consulting industry. With years of experience and accolades, you are trusting proven mining consulting service when your make the decision to trust John. He’s won many industry awards and titles including the title of the 2007 USA representative on the Mesto Cone Crusher International Marketing and Strategy Committee.
Can hiring Aggregate & Mining Consulting save me money?
Utilizing the services of our mining consultants is an upfront investment that will save you a lot of money, headache, and hassle in the long run. When you hire our consultants, you can both save money by preventing issues from popping up or worsening, but you can also save money by making the right purchases for your plant. Deciding what equipment to purchase can be stressful and can cost a lot of time and money, especially if you aren’t sure of exactly what you need. But our consultants will let you know what to purchase so you don’t waste money on machines that don’t meet your needs. Regardless of what your business needs, we can help you see success. Call now for a free estimate for any of our services. We will walk you through the services that will best benefit you and get you started with us today.